Leaking Life, 2019   |   trailer   |   more painting   |   ​​​​​​​more drawings
14min 32sec, 4096 × 2160 pixel, music by Makoto Itabashi

Synopsis:  Thousands of them are packed in a bag.
The hand dragging the bag has never been seen from their angle.
The track on sand is easily erased by waves.
Touching the surface of the sea, they grow a new skin.

"Whirling waves curling clouds endless expanses tides twirl a form a square floats falls crashes smashes splashes oozes scattered blurred consumed emerges drips drops gurgles bubbles drains rains runs into the sink molecules osmosis symbiosis metamorphosis hypnosis devouring loops entwined serpentine vibrations striations losing traces spores pores pairs everything in flux everything in tea." 
"Captivated by the complex experience of the painting on floating between abstract and concrete. The draw and away of bitter expression and inventing sound design. It gives almost physical expression of different material and surroundings." 
Jury's comment for Best Short Animation at the 24th Riga International Short Film Festival 2ANNAS
 Leaking Life Trailer
2019.10.12   48th Montreal Festival du nouveau cinema, Canada < Jury's Special Mention >
         11.26   57th Gijon International Film Festival < Youth Jury Award >
2020.02.16   24th Riga International Short Film Festival < Best Short Animation >
2019.02.09   69th Berlin International Film Festival, Germany
         06.10   Annecy International Animated Film Festival, France
         09.20   27th Raindance Film Festival, UK
         09.24   Balinale International Film Festival, Indonesia
         10.12   48th Montreal Festival du nouveau cinema, Canada
         10.19   21st Bucheon International Animation Festival, South Korea
         11.23   57th Gijon International Film Festival, Spain
         12.02   16th Animateka International Animated Film Festival, Slovenia
         12.03   Aguilar de Campoo International Short Film Festival, Spain
2020.01.10   17th London Short Film Festival, UK
         01.26   25th 
Slamdance Film Festival, USA
         02.16   24th Riga International Short Film Festival, Latvia
         03.07   Medina del campo film festival, Spain
         03.18   Monstra 2020 - Lisbon Animation Festival, Portugal
         03.29   58th Ann Arbor Film Festival, USA
         04.29   22nd Maryland Film Festival, USA
         05.05   Anifilm 2020, Czech Republic
Victoria TX Independent Film Festival, USA
         05.28   Vienna Shorts, Austria
         07.10   Athens Digital Art Festival, Greece
         09.01   Fantoche International Animation Film Festival, Switzerland
         09.00   Animafest Zagreb, Croatia
         09.08   Filmfest Dresden, Germany
         10.00   Athens International Film and Video Festival, USA