interstitial, 2017 | trailer | more painting
Film: 06min 45sec, 4096 × 2160 pixel
Painting: mixed media on paper, acrylic, silkscreen, ink, pen / 10.8 m × 1 m (35.4 ft × 3.3 ft)
Funded by Project to Support the Nurturing of Media Arts Creators
Shot on location at Kyoto Art Centre
Painting: mixed media on paper, acrylic, silkscreen, ink, pen / 10.8 m × 1 m (35.4 ft × 3.3 ft)
Funded by Project to Support the Nurturing of Media Arts Creators
Shot on location at Kyoto Art Centre
The space-less is still in a space, because it is on the continuous horizon.
This film is about the individuality in the serial solidarity of the individual; how to be single? In the continuous identity of atoms, what can divide it from the plurality? What can divide it from the continuous time?
It is a stop-motion painted animated film originally painted on a 10.8m by 1m (35.4ft by 3.3ft) wide paper canvas. Focusing on the different temporalities between painting and the moving image, he creates paintings in which time has a linear progression, and creates animation with those materials. The movement of time in the moving image is substituted in the painting by the physical movement of viewers body, and at the same time, all the time within the moving image is stored within a single space in the painting.
This film is about the individuality in the serial solidarity of the individual; how to be single? In the continuous identity of atoms, what can divide it from the plurality? What can divide it from the continuous time?
It is a stop-motion painted animated film originally painted on a 10.8m by 1m (35.4ft by 3.3ft) wide paper canvas. Focusing on the different temporalities between painting and the moving image, he creates paintings in which time has a linear progression, and creates animation with those materials. The movement of time in the moving image is substituted in the painting by the physical movement of viewers body, and at the same time, all the time within the moving image is stored within a single space in the painting.
"It is a philosophical reflection about the society: a big organism created by individual organisms. Made mixing painting and animation, the film gives a deeply lecture about collective and individualist consciousness. All with an impeccable technique that makes this piece of animated art stronger."
Jury's comment for Best Experimental Film at the International Animated Film Festival ReAnima
"His uncompromising hand-drawn universes tackle big ideas about time and space with clever visual metaphors."

2018.01.26 22nd Slamdance Film Festival, USA < Grand Jury Prize : Sparky Prize for Best Animation Short>
04.12 FLICKERS’ Rhode Island International Film Festival 2018, USA < Grand Prize for the Best Experimental>
04.12 Bolton International Film Festival, UK < Best Experimental>
2017.10.10 ReAnima International Animated Film Festival, Norway < Best Experimental Film>
10.19 Shuffle Short Film Prize, UK< Best Young Filmmaker >
04.12 FLICKERS’ Rhode Island International Film Festival 2018, USA < Grand Prize for the Best Experimental>
04.12 Bolton International Film Festival, UK < Best Experimental>
2017.10.10 ReAnima International Animated Film Festival, Norway < Best Experimental Film>
10.19 Shuffle Short Film Prize, UK< Best Young Filmmaker >
2017.05.12 63rd International Short Film Festival Oberhausen, Germany
10.10 ReAnima International Animated Film Festival, Norway
10.19 Shuffle Short Film Prize, UK
12.04 Animateka 14 - International Animated Film Festiva, Slovenia
2018.01.26 22nd Slamdance Film Festival, USA
04.18 30th Filmfest Dresden, Germany
05.01 Anifilm, Czech Republic
05.10 49th Nashville Film Festival, USA
05.11 10th Leiden International Film Experience 2018, Netherlands
05.24 14th Athens Digital Arts Festival, Greece
05.31 Nippon Connection, Germany
08.09 Flickers' Rhode Island International Film Festival, USA
08.23 San Diego Underground Film Festival, USA
09.26 AnimaSyros International Animation Festival + Agora, Greece
10.02 Bolton International Film Festival, UK
10.10 ReAnima International Animated Film Festival, Norway
10.19 Shuffle Short Film Prize, UK
12.04 Animateka 14 - International Animated Film Festiva, Slovenia
2018.01.26 22nd Slamdance Film Festival, USA
04.18 30th Filmfest Dresden, Germany
05.01 Anifilm, Czech Republic
05.10 49th Nashville Film Festival, USA
05.11 10th Leiden International Film Experience 2018, Netherlands
05.24 14th Athens Digital Arts Festival, Greece
05.31 Nippon Connection, Germany
08.09 Flickers' Rhode Island International Film Festival, USA
08.23 San Diego Underground Film Festival, USA
09.26 AnimaSyros International Animation Festival + Agora, Greece
10.02 Bolton International Film Festival, UK